


哈利波特与密室- 第53节

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n; feeling that if he was lousy at them; at least he'd have someone friendly to help him。
  Gryffindor's next Quidditch match would be against Hufflepuff。 Wood was insisting on team practices every night after dinner; so that Harry barely had time for anything but Quidditch and homework。 However; the training sessions were getting better; or at least
  drier; and the evening before Saturday's match he went up to his dormitory to drop off his broomstick feeling Gryffindor's chances for the Quidditch cup had never been better。
  But his cheerful mood didn't last long。 At the top of the stairs to the dormitory; he met Neville Longbottom; who was looking frantic。
  〃Harry … I don't know who did it … I just found …〃
  Watching Harry fearfully; Neville pushed open the door。
  The contents of Harry's trunk had been thrown everywhere。 His cloak lay ripped on the floor。 The bedclothes had been pulled off his four…poster and the drawer had been pulled out of his bedside cabinet; the contents strewn over the mattress。
  Harry walked over to the bed; open…mouthed; treading on a few loose pages of Travels with Trolls。 As he and Neville pulled the blankets back onto his bed; Ron; Dean; and Seamus came in。 Dean swore loudly。
  〃What happened; Harry?〃
  〃No idea;〃 said Harry。 But Ron was examining Harry's robes。 All the pockets were hanging out。
  〃Someone's been looking for something;〃 said Ron。 〃Is there anything missing?〃
  Harry started to pick up all his things and throw them into his trunk。 It was only as he threw the last of the Lockhart books back into it that he realized what wasn't there。
  〃Riddle's diary's gone;〃 he said in an undertone to Ron。
  Harry jerked his head toward the dormitory door and Ron followed him out。 They hurried down to the Gryffindor mon
  room; which was half…empty; and joined Hermione; who was sitting alone; reading a book called Ancient Runes Made Easy。
  Hermione looked aghast at the news。
  〃But … only a Gryffindor could have stolen … nobody else knows our password …〃
  〃Exactly;〃 said Harry。
  They woke the next day to brilliant sunshine and a light; refreshing breeze。
  〃Perfect Quidditch conditions!〃 said Wood enthusiastically at the Gryffindor table; loading the team's plates with scrambled eggs。 〃Harry; buck up there; you need a decent breakfast。〃
  Harry had been staring down the packed Gryffindor table; wondering if the new owner of Riddle's diary was right in front of his eyes。 Hermione had been urging him to report the robbery; but Harry didn't like the idea。 He'd have to tell a teacher all about the diary; and how many people knew why Hagrid had been expelled fifty years ago? He didn't want to be the one who brought it all up again。
  As he left the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione to go and collect his Quidditch things; another very serious worry was added to Harry's growing list。 He had just set foot on the marble staircase when he heard it yet again
  〃Kill this time 。。。 let me rip 。。。 tear。 。 。〃
  He shouted aloud and Ron and Hermione both jumped away from him in alarm。
  〃The voice!〃 said Harry; …looking over his shoulder。 〃I just heard it again … didn't you?〃
  Ron shook his head; wide…eyed。 Hermione; however; clapped a hand to her forehead。
  〃Harry … I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library!〃
  And she sprinted away; up the stairs。
  〃What does she understand?〃 said Harry distractedly; still looking around; trying to tell where the voice had e from。
  〃Loads more than I do;〃 said Ron; shaking his head。
  〃But why's she got to go to the library?〃
  〃Because that's what Hermione does;〃 said Ron; shrugging。 〃When in doubt; go to the library。〃
  Harry stood; irresolute; trying to catch the voice again; but people were now emerging from the Great Hall behind him; talking loudly; exiting through the front doors on their way to the Quidditch pitch。
  〃You'd better get moving;〃 said Ron。 〃It's nearly eleven … the match … 〃
  Harry raced up to Gryffindor Tower; collected his Nimbus Two Thousand; and joined the large crowd swarming across the grounds; but his mind was still in the castle along with the bodiless voice; and as he pulled on his scarlet robes in the locker。 room; his only fort was that everyone was now outside to watch the game。
  The teams walked onto the field to tumultuous applause。 Oliver Wood took off for a warm…up flight around the goal posts; Madam Hooch released the balls。 The Hufflepuffs; who played in canary yellow; were standing in a huddle; having a last…minute discussion of tactics。
  Harry was just mounting his broom when Professor McGonagall came half marching; half running across the pitch; carrying an enormous purple megaphone。
  Harry's heart dropped like a stone。
  〃This match has been cancelled;〃 Professor McGonagall called through the megaphone; addressing the packed stadium。 There were boos and shouts。 Oliver Wood; looking devastated; landed and ran toward Professor McGonagall without getting off his broomstick。
  〃But; Professor!〃 he shouted。 〃We've got to play … the cup
  Gryffindor …〃
  Professor McGonagall ignored him and continued to shout through her megaphone:
  〃All students are to make their way back to the House mon rooms; where their Heads of Houses will give them further information。 As quickly as you can; please!〃
  Then she lowered the megaphone and beckoned Harry over to her。
  〃Potter; I think you'd better e with me 。。。。。。
  Wondering how she could possibly suspect him this time; Harry saw Ron detach himself from the plaining crowd; he came running up to them as they set off toward the castle。 To Harry's surprise; Professor McGonagall didn't object。
  〃Yes; perhaps you'd better e; too; Weasley 。。。。。
  Some of the students swarming around them were grumbling about the match being canceled; others looked worried。 Harry and Ron followed Professor McGonagall back into the school and up the marble staircase。 But they weren't taken to anybody's office this time。
  〃This will be a bit of a shock;〃 said Professor McGonagall in a surprisingly gentle voice as they approached the infirmary。 〃There has been another attack 。。。 another double attack。〃
  Harry's insides did a horrible somersault。 Professor McGonagall pushed the door open and he and Ron entered。 。
  Madam Pomfrey was bending over a fifth…year girl with long; curly hair。 Harry recognized her as the Ravenclaw they'd accidentally asked for directions to the Slytherin mon room。 And on the bed next to her was
  〃Hermione!〃 Ron groaned。
  Hermione lay utterly still; her eyes open and glassy。
  〃They were found near the library;〃 said Professor McGonagall。 〃I don't suppose either of you can explain this? It was on the floor next to them 。。。。。。
  She was holding up a small; circular mirror。
  Harry and Ron shook their heads; both staring at Hermione。
  〃I will escort you back to Gryffindor Tower;〃 said Professor McGonagall heavily。 〃I need to address the students in any case。
  〃All students will return to their House mon rooms by six o'clock in the evening。 No student is to leave the dormitories af
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